2024 Exhibitors List

Please note this list was last updated 13th May 2024 and is subject to change. 





1 Stop Spas Ltd 7-05 Lincolnshire Police BL-02
A Love and A Kiss 1-13 Lincolnshire Pond Plants Ltd GS - 03
A W & I Robinson Furniture 6-27 Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership BL-01
Active Lincolnshire CS-39 Lincolnshire Rural Crime Action Team BL-03
Adjustamatic Beds 7-06 Lincolnshire Rural Support Network 4-04
ADM Agriculture Ltd 5-19 Lincolnshire Smokehouse / The Food Heroes (Koffmann Foods Ltd) CC-14
AEC Matador AZ-05 Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust CS-05
AG Operations Ltd. Mobile Pimm's Bars CC-59, CC-26
& CC-04a
Lincolnshire Willow LL-17
Aggy's Handicrafts Ltd 8-03 Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service CS-31
Agri.Cycle 3-18 Lincolnshire Young Farmers' Clubs CS-43
Agriscope Ltd 2-21 Lincolnshire Young Farmers' Clubs Tug of War CS-40
AJN Lifestyle Accessories 10-22 Linen and Rose LL-24
All Creatures Great or Small LL-11a Linkage Community Trust 10-47
All Weather Roofline 6-22 Listers Group Ltd CS-14
Allenby Training Services Limited 7-07 Little Lights Laboratories LL-17
Alpha 8-08 LIVES BL-04
Amelio Enterprises Ltd 7-31 Lou Lou Scarf 8-18
Amrons Country Crafts RS-05 Love Coffee CC-58 & CC-29
Anglian Water EZ Luda Brew Co FC-06
Animoo Art Ltd LL-08 M J Rule Traditional Funfair 10-29
Arctic Cabins Ltd 8-29 M&N Noodle Bar CC-17
Army Reserve AZ-01 Made by the Beekeeper CS-08
Artisanne Bags CS-22 Mansfield Sand Ltd 3-25
Association of Drainage Authorities Lincolnshire Branch CS-16 MAP Adventures Ltd CS-41
Attis Insurance Brokers Ltd 5-20 Marine Made Gifts LL-10
B&B Machinery 2-18 Market Rasen Racecourse M-20
Badgers Chilli Kitchen 7-11 Marsh Commercial 5-05
BAE Systems AZ-10 Meliberry Ltd-Greek Souvlaki Pitta Gyros Wraps CC-18
Bags and Gladrags M-25 Melton Mowbray Market CS-08a
Bar Bubbles CC-56 MGR Retail Ltd 6-02
Barkworth Reeve M-27 Michael Ashton Pole Lathe Turner CS-23
Barneys Churros Ltd CC-32 Mick Burns Chainsaw CS-35
Barry Grantham Flyfishing & Lincoln District Angling CS-26a Midland Chamois Co 10-33
BBC Radio Lincolnshire 8-45 Mili Fiddlers Hamlet M-17
Beauchamp 7-23 Military Provost Guard Service AZ-05a
Beckfords Rum Spirits FC-08 Mint and Dove 10-19
Beecroft Toys 10-11 MODA 6-08
Bee-Ethical-Active 6-19 Mojo Jewels LL-09
BellaCandella Candle Company Ltd LL-22 Monarch Asset Finance Limited 2-02
Belle Love Italy 10-42 Moore Farm Services Ltd 3-07
Ben Burgess & Co. LTD 3-04 Moss Plants & Woodcrafts H-06
Berryoak Bespoke Joinery & Construction 10-32 Mower Magic 5-14
BIG Boots UK 8-20 MPCT Military Academies AZ-11
Black Dog Nursery H-03 Mrs Wreath Designs LL-16
Bloomfields Horseboxes 4-01 My Green Home 7-12
Blyton Ice Cream Ltd FC-24 My Square Metre CS-28
Bomber County Gateway Trust AZ-14 Myers Quality Bakers Ltd FC-32
Bomber County Minis 1-02 National Farmers Union 4-12
Boston Crop Sprayers 3-22 National Fostering Group - NFA North 8-06
Boston Sausage FC-30 & CC-34 National Horseracing College 1-14
Bouncing Bomb and RAF Tractor AZ-02 Neat Necks 10-04
Bramble and Sage LL-18 Neil Dowlman Architecture Ltd 6-09
Breast Cancer Now 8-02 Network Rail 8-16
British Association for Shooting and Conservation CS-06 Nice 'n` Toastie CC-08
British Food Company CC-37 Nicks Olives Ltd FC-17
Brockleby's Pies FC-07 No Limits Events & Promotions 8-28
Brown&CoJHWalter 5-04 Nomad Coffee Company CC-51
Brownbread 8-33 North of England Bonsai GS - 04
Buddy's Bites UK 7-21 Northside Truck & Van 2-12
Bundle & Rust LL-12 Nunny's Farm CIC CS-26
Burdens Group Limited 3-15 Nurtured By Nature LL-07
Butternut Box 10-35 Oatz&Co FC-29
C Punton CS-13 Ocean Designs Ltd 7-15
C R Hansard Ltd 5-10 O'Donnell Moonshine 7-18a
C. Gregory Roses LTD H-07 Off The Stone Pizza CC-27
Cadent 2-01 Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner 10-26
Calladines Surfacing 4-14 Oh, Sister M-06
Cameron Huggins Blacksmith CS-25 OhLaLa Fries Ltd CC-21
Capital Cashmere M-03 Old Elephant Fudge FC-19
Care After Combat AZ-13 Ollie's Attic 7-22
Cefetra Ltd 4-13 Omega Drinks FC-35
Ceres Rural LLP 4-03 OMEX 5-07
On Point Archery LTD H-10
CF Construction 4-10 Openfield Agriculture Ltd 5-09
Chandlers (Farm Equipment) Limited 3-14 Original Art Prints by Fiona Duncan LL-05
Chantry Agricultural Sales Ltd 2-05 Osbourne Blinds & Interiors Ltd M-12
Charity Link obo Guide Dogs 8-15 Outdoor Living 8-12
Charles Hedley 10-24 Overhall Contractors Ltd 2-22
Charles Taylor 10-17 & 5-15 Pandora Promotions Ltd 7-25
Cheeky Duchess M-18 Paul Riddel Scrap 'n' Skips 2-02b
Cheetah Aero Engine AZ-03 Peacock & Binnington Ltd 3-21
Church & Bloomfield Ltd 6-20 Pentagon Motor Group 2-07
Citron Presse FC-18 Perfick Pork CC-16
CLA (Country Land & Business Association) 5-01 Peter Scott Shoes M-02
CLAAS Eastern Ltd 2-15 Peter Tree Chair Maker CS-18
Classic Cars 1-05 Pets Portrait in Pastel by Dawn Warnock M-16
Classic Motorcycle Display 1-12 Phillips Animal Health Ltd 4-11
Classic Vehicles 1-04a Pigin Bun FC-46
Close Brothers Asset Finance 10-28 Pin Gin FC-20
Clugston Distribution Services Limited 5-21 Portland House Veterinary Group 4-09a
Cockadoodledoo Marketing Ltd 7-30 Portsonachan Hotel & Lodges 7-08
Combat Gas Cockpit AZ-04 Practice Plus Group Hospital, Barlborough 8-25
Cook Stars EXO Primrose Bank GS - 01
Cote Hill Cheese FC-14 Promack Ltd 2-23
Cottage Memories H-02 Pure Pet Food 7-13
Cotton Cabin LL-04 Queen Elizabeth's High School, Gainsborough EZ
Country Bumpkins H-04 R C Setchfield Ltd 2-14
Country Styles Clothing 10-43 Rae Outdoor Wear Ltd 10-38
Countryside Gates and Timber Products 5-16 RAF Recruiting AZ-08
County Leisure Teak 6-13 RAF Typhoon Display Team AZ-06
County Life Limited 10-46 Rand Farm Park CS-01
Crepe Lucette Ltd CC-35 Ranger Equipment t/a Compact Loaders UK 2-26
Curio Frames 8-17 Rare Breed Survival Trust Lincolnshire CS-10
Curly Coated Retriever Association of GB CS-21a Rattan Direct 10-23
Curly Nook Jewellery LL-30 Real Lemonade ~ The Fresh Taste of Summer CC-48
Danton Fireplaces And Stoves M-01 Real Pressed Flowers LL-06
David Musson Fencing Ltd 6-07 Reclaimed & Recycled LL-13
Delicious Food Company CC-42, CC-43
CC-44, CC-45
& CC-46
Recon Survey & Safety Ltd 5-02
Dennis Horton and Son LTD 2-09 Recycle R LL-31
Devils Bridge Rum FC-22 Renapur and Eternal Skincare 10-34
Dipper Clothing 8-36 Response Plant Services Ltd 3-11
DM Boyles Ltd 3-02 Rhucello FC-27
DMJ Drainage 4-08 Richmond & Bailey Nurseries H-05
Dogs Trust Fundraising 8-22 Richtoy Subaru 2-13
Donna Evans Glass Designs LL-14 Riggedout 8-27
Double M Event Catering Ltd CC-06, CC-20
CC-24 & CC-25
Ripon Farm Services 2-16 & 2-17
DoubleTree by Hilton Lincoln M-24 Riseholme College 10-45
Duckworth Motor Group 2-11 RMV Machinery Sales Ltd 2-25
Dyson Farming Ltd CS-15 Roadphone NRB 4-02
Eco Seed Balls LL-26 RoarMinerals M-28
Emphasize M-30 Robert H Crawford & Son 5-11
Equilatte CC-02 Robin Rose Bakes FC-26
Equi-Trek Lincolnshire / Trek-Trailers Lincolnshire 2-24 Roger Skinner Ltd 7-24
Eric Spencer Ltd 10-06 Roofriendly Ltd 7-16
Eskimoo Milkshakes (Lincoln) Ltd CC-40 Rose Cottage Pantry FC-05
Eurotherapy 8-09 Royal Acropole Country Wear 6-03
Excel Event Services Ltd CC-05 Royal Air Force Association AZ-09
Exclusive by Design UK ltd 10-16 Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight AZ-07
Fairview Farm Agricultural Engineering Ltd 3-10 Royal British Legion AZ-12
Farmer Lou CC-05b RSPB CS-27
Farming Christian Link (FCL) 3-23 Rural Payments Agency 4-17
Farmstar Ltd 4-07 Russells (Kirbymoorside) Ltd 3-03
Farol Ltd 3-13 Rutland Willows CS-20
Fentons of Bourne Ltd 4-18 S&D Leisure Simulations Ltd 10-05
Ferry Ales and Good Grub Co. at Stockmans CC-04 S&K Sprayer Services Ltd 3-09
Ferry Ales Brewery CC-05a Safelincs Ltd. 7-09
Fieldcare South / Procam 3-05 Savannah Silver LL-18
Finite Supplies Ltd 6-23 Scott Trailers Ltd 2-06
Fleur’s Kitchen CC-49 Seacroft Mobility Ltd 8-32
Flint and Flame FC-11 Seven Districts Limited 10-44
Floral Arts Marquee H-12 Sharmans Agricultural Ltd 3-17
Flowers from the Farm LL-27 Sherwood Jaguar Racing 1-03
Fosters Exotic and Unusual Plants GS - 08 Simply Cakes & Coffee CC-09a
Foxdenton Estate Company Ltd. FC-25 Simply the Best Bags 7-18b
Fred W Read and Sons Ltd FC-38 Singleton Training Services LTD 7-26
Freemans Catering CC-53 SIS Drill (UK) Ltd 5-17
Frontier Agriculture Ltd 5-03 Skerne Alpines GS - 05
Fulbeck Craft Centre CS-03 SkyeBubble Country, Canine & Equine Gifts M-07
Fully Loaded CC-30 Spicer's Auctioneers Ltd 6-24
Fully Loaded - barista coffee CC-22 St Hugh's School Woodhall Spa 6-10
Fully Loaded - fresh baguettes CC-12 Stamford Endowed Schools 8-05
Future Proof Coatings 10-20 Starglaze Home Improvements LLP 8-24
Future Proof Solar 10-21 Steam Engines TBA
Futures Group 7-32a Stevensons Furniture Centre 8-11
G & J Peck Ltd 2-08 Stickcraft CS-24
G H Shaw Ltd M-15 Sunfire Spirits Ltd FC-15
Garth Cottage Herbs GS - 07 Sunshine Crafts by Donna LL-11
Gelston Lamb CC-31 T C Harrison JCB 4-09
Gibsons Country M-04 Tanks R Us 4-05
Giles & Bella M-10 Tate Fuel Oils Ltd 7-18
Girlguiding Lincolnshire South County CS-41a Tehnos D.O.O 3-19
Glitzy Vintage Jewellery 7-19a Thank You, Nana LL-02
Global Machinery Solutions Ltd 4-16 The Big Chair Company M-23
Golding Young Limited 8-01 The Cedar Room LL-29
Graham Edwards Trailers 3-01 The Cheesy Pig CC-19
Grays 1922 Ltd 7-10 The Copper Still CC-02a
Greater Lincolnshire Councils 10-30 The Country Footwear Co 6-08a
Green Plover Books LL-19 The Crusty Pie Co FC-10
Greens Water Systems 7-20 The Curly Sheep LL-28
Gwatkin Cider Co Ltd FC-04 The Donut Box CC-07
H and G Bungees H-09 The Duck Truck CC-33
Haddington Contracting Ltd 3-08 The Edwards Potato Vodka Co Ltd FC-37
Halt Equestrian M-13 The Event Gallery Fine Art Ltd 6-06
Hare Spring Cottage Plants LLP GS - 10 The Farmyard/Leisuretime 10-40
Harlequin Manufacturing 5-12 The Foxglove Tree LL-01
Harold Woolgar Insurance 6-05 The Fudge Company 7-14
Hartwell Automotive Group 2-08a The Gourmet Scotch Egg Co FC-16
Hawkeye Falconry UK CS-29 The Great British Cheese Company FC-28
Hawkins Distillery limited 10-15 The Handbag Company 10-09
Hawkmoon Crafts LL-20 The Lincoln Distillery FC-12
Heaven and Earth 10-39 The Lincoln Hospital - Circle Health Group 7-29
Heritage Lincolnshire CS-45 The Lincolnshire Badger Group CS-33
Hidden Hearing 7-17 The Little Grazing Company CC-38a
HMS Sherwood AZ-16 The March Hare 6-04
Homemade Sweetness FC-33 The National Target Sports Association CS-34
Househam Sprayers Ltd 3-16 The New Window Company 7-28
Humberside Airport & Humberside Airport Travel M-08 The Old Smithy H-01
Huntsman’s Game FC-23 The Potting Shed 6-39
Ignite Stoves & Fireplaces 10-31 The Rotary Club of Lincoln 10-08
Irelands Farm Machinery 3-06 & 6-21 The Rutland Bookshop M-26
Irvin Confectionary CC-01 & CC-28 The Sheepshow CS-38
J & S Plumbing and Heating 8-26 The Spanish Boot Company M-14
Jack Straws Baskets 10-18 The Strait And Narrow FC-29
Jane Haigh Country Art M-05 The Waggy Tails Store 10-03
Janet Willey Chair Caning RS-04 The Woodland Trust CS-17
Jerry Green Dog Rescue CS-42 & 8-10 The Yorkshire Kitchen FC-03
Joe Booth Transport 2-02a This Little Piggy Hog Roast CC-38
John Cullen Gardens Ltd GS - 02 Tiffin & Co Bakehouse FC-02
John Smith Kitchen & Interiors M-19 TImeless Mens Accessories Ltd 10-12
Joules 10-36 Tipplemill Distillery CC-57
JPM Agricultural Ltd 4-19 TJS Saddlery 3-24
J's Country Crafts LL-15 Tooleys Electrical LTD 3-12
K9KLEIN LTD 7-19 Top Barn Timber Frames Ltd 7-34
KCOM 7-27 Topazglow Direct M-09
Kenwick Park Estate M-29 Town and Country Law 8-23
KHL Plant and Machinery Ltd 2-20 Toyland 10-07
Kimberley Dewhurst Art M-21 Trevor Cope Seeds Ltd T/A Cope Seeds and Grain 2-19
Knights Professional Services Limited 6-16 Turks Wrap CC-03
KR Wood Artisan LL-25 Twisted Group CC-05c
Laceby Manor Golf & Spa Resort 6-17 Uk Eco Energy Solutions 6-18
Ladies in Pigs CS-09 Uneeq 10-01
Lakeside Furniture Direct Ltd 8-07 UnexpectedGifts LL-03
LapageMade 10-13 Unique Auctions 8-31
Laurasgreenleaves LL-21 United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust 8-34
LCC Food Education EXO University of Lincoln 5-06
Libertas 7-03 Urchin Clothing CS-12
LILP 8-04 Vdubvintage CC-36
Lincoln College CS-44 Vines Artisan Bakery Limited 10-14
Lincoln College University Centre CS-02 Vintage Tractors 1-10
Lincoln Free Walking Tour 8-30 Voyager Innovations / Magnetic Health Care 8-35
Lincoln Minster School 7-01 Wack's Wicked Plants GS - 06
Lincoln University Technical College 7-33 Waltham Herbs GS - 09
Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance BL-06 & 6-01 Waltons Publications Ltd 8-21
Lincolnshire Beekeepers' Association CS-07 Water Technology Engineering Ltd 5-13
Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial AZ-15 Welbournes Bakery FC-36
Lincolnshire Caravan Transport Ltd / GB Statics 5-18 Wellhead Upholstery RS-03
Lincolnshire Care Association 10-27 West Lindsey District Council 10-25
Lincolnshire Community Foundation 6-12 White Hart Hotel M-22
Lincolnshire Cooperative Ltd 7-02 Wilkin Chapman LLP 5-08
Lincolnshire Drainage Co Ltd 3-20 Wineomania Ltd 8-37
Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes Service BL-05 Witham Group 2-10
Lincolnshire Federation of Women's Institute H-11 Woldmarsh 4-06
Lincolnshire Greyhound Trust CS-32 www.shopforsomethingdifferent.com 6-26
Lincolnshire Machinery Ring Ltd 4-15 Yellowbelly Sausage Co CC-15
Lincolnshire Outdoor Learning EZ Yoghurt Delights FC-01
Yorkshire Dales Ice Cream Various locations
Zest Brewery CC-55 & CC-49