Who is eligible to receive a Long Service Award?
The Long Service Awards celebrates individuals that have worked continuously for the same employer for 40 years or more. Nominees must be employed as an Agricultural, Commercial, Horticultural or Estate Worker or work in an allied trade, craft or profession.
Who can put forward a nomination?
The awards are open to application from members of the society only. It is a compulsory condition that membership will be renewed annually for the next 5 years to be eligible to receive the subsequent 5 year bars. If you are not a member and wish to nominate someone, you can become a member at www. lincolnshireshowground.co.uk/agricultural-society/membership or email membership@lincolnshireshowground.co.uk.
What awards are presented?
Recipients who have completed 40 years at the same employment will be awarded a bronze medal engraved with their name and number of years’ service. Bars can then be added in subsequent years for 45, 50, 55, 60 etc.
Recipients also receive two complimentary tickets for the show for a maximum of 5 years after the award.
Please note, medals and bars are free to obtain for members of two or more continuous years however new members are required to pay £60 towards the cost of the award.
When is the deadline?
Completed forms should be received by 31st March 2025. Please complete all relevant parts of the form and return to ajoyce@lincolnshireshowground.co.uk
Completing the nomination:
If the nominee has not received an award from Lincolnshire Agricultural Society and this is the first acknowledgement of Long Service please complete Section A.
If the nominee has previously received a medal and is now receiving a bar please complete Section B.
All nominations must have a completed synopsis found at the bottom of the nomination.
See here the image gallery for 2024
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